Files If you have a problem with a file or you don not know the program, which opens the file, you can use the File Assistant file. Write the file extension and you will see complete information about it. for example - if the file name is untitled.bmp - the extension of the file is bmp and write in the field bmp.
What is a file extension can be found here
How to make Windows to show the extensions of the files, you can see here
Tutorials On the pages of www.helpcho.com you can find tutorials, which are described with pictures (and/or video) step by step, for
a number of common problems for the users. The tutorials are structured in the following categories (also accessible from the main menu)::
Computer - hardware, computer components, etc. |
Programs - programs, drivers, etc. |
Internet - browsers, e-mails, chats, interviews, etc. |
Protection & Antivirus - antivirus, firewall, etc. |
For your convenience, you can search by keyword (eg: program, problem, etc.).
If, however, the problem is not described on the pages of Helpcho.com you have the unique opportunity to set your personal question
to us absolutely free.
Question Have a question you are looking for an answer? Have a computer problem? Do not know how to use a particular program? Hard times though the installation? You need a short and helpful answer?
Иновации и Конкурентоспособност 2014 – 2020
Хелпчо ООД, получи безвъзмездна финансова помощ от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие чрез Оперативна програма Иновации и конкурентоспособност 2014-2020.
Получените средства ще бъдат използвани за преодоляване на недостига на средства и липса на ликвидност, настъпили в резултат от пандемията COVID-19.
Екипа на Хелпчо ООД изказва своята благодарност за оказаната ни подкрепа!